California Early 孩子hood Mentor Program

California Early 孩子hood Mentor Program Logo


What is the California Early 孩子hood Mentor Program?

The Mentor Program selects, 火车, and compensates experienced teachers and caregivers to mentor student teachers in early childhood care settings. Additional stipends are available for teachers’ professional development. The program is funded by the California Department of Education through 孩子 Care and Development Block Grant Funds.

How does the Mentor Program affect Valley College students?

LAVC students have the opportunity to be placed with a mentor for their child development practicum course. The guidance and support provided by mentors help student teachers gain confidence and increase their knowledge and skills for working with young children.

The 孩子 Development curriculum at LAVC offers the courses that are required to become a mentor. To be selected as a mentor, teachers and care givers must be eligible for the Master Teacher level of the California 孩子 Development Permit. Requirements for Master Teacher may be viewed at In addition to the course requirements, mentors must have worked for at least two years in a child care center or family child care home.

How do I get more information about the Mentor Program?

The LAVC coordinator of the Mentor Program is available to advise students as well as experienced teachers in early childhood programs regarding the requirements and benefits of participating in the Mentor Program.


Madlen Aslanian
电话: (818) 778-5528